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Hamburger Business Review is the leading destination for smart burger thinking. Through our flagship podcast, digital content, and tools published online, Hamburger Business Review provides burger professionals and enthusiasts around the world with rigorous insights and best practices to lead themselves and their organizations more effectively and to make a positive impact.

We are grateful for our HBR community and are glad you’ve joined us. We encourage comments, critiques, questions, and suggestions

🍔 What’s So Important About the Business of Burgers?

At Hamburger Business Review we believe there is no part of the the world that hamburgers haven’t touched. Looking at the business of burgers is powerful way to understand the modern world and a path through ecology, geopolitics, human rights, nutrition and consumer culture.

Did you know that Harvard Business School has over thirty case studies about McDonald’s? We dive into those academic case studies, we study burger literature, and we conduct original research about the business of burgers to better understand this complicated and beautiful world.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Your Hosts

Zach Rose is the principal consultant of Wind Mountain Software and the creator of Bottomless Burgers (read case study here). Zach is a graduate of the University of Oregon and currently lives in New York City.

Mike Merrill is the world’s first publicly traded person and has been covered in WIRED, MarketPlace, The Atlantic, and more. He is a former startup founder and a US Army Veteran. He lives in Los Angeles where he works at a hamburger restaurant.

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The business of burgers.


Not only the world's first publicly traded person, but also the co-host of Hamburger Business Review.
I'm a writer, documentarian, and podcaster based on Portland, Oregon. You may know me from This American Life, Mental Floss Magazine, or my documentary series Best of Five: The Classic Tetris Champions.
You may remember me from Bottomless Burgers, McTrot, or Hamburger Business Review